Saturday, June 23, 2012

What Poets Taught Me

Poets from years and ages ago
Combined with melody peaceful and low
Speak to me through ink a page
A page that will speak to yet another age
Of stars in the heavens, and all beauty behold
By eyes who take time to seek out the old.
See uplifted arms of tree's wind-swept dance
Straining skyward in praise as their leaves prance
See for the first time eternal growth
With childlike wonder and unquenchable hope.
It reveals the one Breath that created good earth
Breathing forever into its blessed birth
Still firing awe in my heart to this day
Restless, searching, yearning for the Name.

Hold on to the message unwritten,
Hold on to the unspoken rhyme,
The truth is often hidden,
The wise find it only through time. 


  1. me lol... i learned more about analysis than writing obviously... but i thought i would do my best to thank the poets who made me think in ways i never would have otherwise:) although they'd probably laugh kindly at the attempt lol:)

  2. Its actually really good. I like it. :)

  3. thanks :) I had fun writing it at least :)

  4. Wow, that is really good! I like it as well. The last four lines especially have a pretty cool feel to them. (fyi, I just rediscovered the link to your blog in my e-mail rose, so that is why this is 2 months late ;)
