Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dreaming at the Dentist's

I don't know why dentists get such a bad rap. I'll catch someone recounting their experience there as a traumatized survivor from a haunted house. Having wisdom teeth pulled aside, which may very well deserve even more fear and abject terror than from zombies, it's generally fine. Sure, someone probing at your teeth may be uncomfortable, and having to keep that flouride in your mouth for 4 minutes is a challenge, but it hardly amounts to the infamy awarded to Al Capone.
"Stick'em up - I mean your tongue."
"Who needs an oozzie when I have this (insert long instrument name here)?"
I met my new dentist today for the first time in a long time - which was scaring me, one, because I was afraid he would shake his head and tell me that all my teeth would fall out before I was thirty, or that it would be just a long painful experience. It was quite the opposite. Despite my cavities (sadly I have three) the dental hygienist was very nice, the procedure mostly painless, and the chair extremely comfortable. Actually, I almost dozed off while the lady was groping around me mouth with deft accuracy. I knew she was highly skilled at this art, because having someone stick metal things in your mouth for minutes at a time while keeping your comfortable enough to almost doze off on them is a feat beyond reckoning. With my eyes closed, I almost imagined she was giving my teeth a massage. Dental care gets an A+ from me. So would anyone who could put me "on the table" and keep me comfortable enough to almost slip into dreamland.

Dental Care -


  1. Brush and floss them pearly whites. I never freak out when I go to the dentist because I've been there a thousand times so I know the drill. ;) Dentists aren't really that bad. Orthodontics isn't that fun though. Getting your wisdom teeth isn't something I'd like to do again, but it wasn't that bad. I was up and moving the next day.

  2. Thank you fellow dentist lover :) Yeah i bet orthodonics isn't fun. Did you ever have braces? I might have to get my wisdom teeth out soon.

  3. I had braces for about 1 1/2 - 2 years. I got them out the summer of '08 so it was like right before I met you.

    Its not pleasant, but as long as you have no complications its not that bad. I was out and about the day after getting them out. Let me know when the surgery is.

  4. Ok. LOL I can't imagine you with braces, that's just weird:)
    Yeah I've heard some horror stories about those. IDK if I'll be getting them out anytime soon, but I'm sure I'll put up a post about it;)
