Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Feed My Fishies

If you haven't noticed, I've just put up the funnest little gadget on the top near the writing area. Click to drop the food, and they'll follow you. I got a kick out of that and I hope you do too, lol :)


  1. oh gosh, rose..the first time i saw that on the top left corner of your blog, i spent like 10 minutes feeding them. :P now i do it regularly ;) haha

  2. I know, I do too lol. Mostly when I'm "doing homework" and I sit and click it in the same spot for like 5 minutes, then I make them go the opposite corner.... I have way too much time on my hands lol

  3. You guys thats hilarious i do the same thing. How pathetic...it does not take much to amuse me lol. But I feel better knowing I'm not the only one... :)
