Friday, January 20, 2012

Co-op, January 19th 2012

It was pitch black and I stirred myself enough to roll over and check the time. 5:55 am. Dang it, I have 20 more minutes till my alarm goes off. I sorta snooze until 6:15 then drag myself out of bed. After quickly getting dressed, packing my bag (hopefully remembering everything I need), and grabbing tea and breakfast, Eva and I head out in the freezing black outside to try to warm up the car. The highway is full for 7am, and we get in to Physics on time, despite a very bad parking job on my part.
I'm always excited to see Dr. Vansuch. I'm not always excited to talk about the technicalities of TE=KE+PE in certain situations and temperatures at 7:30 in the morning. But no matter what we're talking about, even if it's boring as heck for me, it's entertaining to see Dr. Vansuch go about teaching it. I can tell it's something he loves and cherishes by the way he will carefully consider questions, go off on scientific tangents, and eagerly tell us about the latest scientific fun fact he's learned. His eyes light up, his voice is charged, and his enthusiasm is at least a little bit contagious; it makes me smile. We did a lab experiment which involved calculating energy from a ball rolling down a tube, across a table, and dropping to the floor. The most humorous part of this experiment is when you get super balls involved, and you need a designated roller, watcher, and professional athlete to run among the desks before the rogue ball bounces out the window. David Gallivan was the designated runner for awhile, and I was his designated cheerleader - "Go, little boy blue! (nickname:) You can get it - it's under that backpack- nope there it goes..." Gotta love the lab experiments, even if the reports are torture.
After physics, I went to study hall for 1/2 hour and did nothing but talked :) before running to teach Jessi Biology. Time flew, and by the time we were finished I had just enough time to prep for my first ROC class. This class went much smoother than the first one, because I used Elena's method of interaction, and every six-year-old in the room wanted to come up and be my "clapping buddy" for the rhythm part.
Lunch was a salami sandwich I mooched off the Millers. HUGE upgrade from the sickening Ramen noodles in a pre-packaged cup from the week before.
ROC for the older kids was also better, though not as good as the younger kids. But by the end I had them all clapping and tapping in time with that upbeat ridiculously Irish song with seven verses. We only barely got through the refrain... but I have hope... :)
Chorus was AWESOME because we got a SWEET new, accapella, five part harmony Irish song called "How are Things in Glocca Morra?" (spelling?) I'm an alto again for the first time in about 6 months so it's taking some getting used to, and while I kinda miss singing the melody, the challenge of the alto parts is so much more interesting.
I saw a few people, chatted a bit, and went home to do homework. I'm so blessed to be part of co-op. :)

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