Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Physics :P

It's 10:48 and my body is telling me I should have been asleep about two hours ago. I'm staying up downloading OpenOffice, a type of word document software, so I can print a lab report that took me several agonizing hours to think through and and actually finish tonight. I've been working on it solidly since about 6:30, and I'm SO glad to be done. I'm no science whiz, and physics is anything but my forte, so say a prayer tomorrow at around 7:30am, because I'll need it.
Good night. I hope you'll get more sleep than I will. :)


  1. aww rosie dear :) i hope it went really well and you got it all finished in time!

  2. omgosh that lab report was so hard!!! It took me forever,too... :P

  3. Thanks Elie love:) It did work out on time, thank goodness:) I know, Sarah, we have got to get a better strategy for this lol :)
