Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hey guys:) If you haven't guessed already, I'm starting a blog. I'll write a bit here, a little there, maybe in spirts, but I'll try to be consistent. :) It took me a little while to figure out how to actually put up a post, but here is the first one:) I thought it would be a good way to start out the new year.
I'm excited, scared, a little worried, yet content when I think about this year. What is it going to hold? What will we choose to do in it? I'll be graduating (si Dios quiere - if God wills, as my mom would say), rather unexpectedly, so that is an exciting mark to cross. Everyone of my friends and family, as well as myself, will live, experience, think, choose, and hopefully grow from those choices - but the next day square on the calendar is always labeled with a big scribbled question mark full of possibilities. Observing life and jumping in on the action is a task a sincerely enjoyable to me. I can't wait for this year:)

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