Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mondays :P

Monday was just one of those days. If I were a cartoon character, I would've had a little grey raincloud floating above my head. I was sick, my whole family was sick, I still had to do school (lots of it) and everyone was putzing around and grumpy. Everything seemed intrinsically annoying simply because it existed. After several hours of this, we take a break from school to say family rosary, the joyful mysteries, meditating on how amazing, happy, and perfect the holy family was. I almost blushed when we started. I realized that I was supposed to try to be joyful, and if not that, then cheerful at least, and be like Mary a handmaid of the Lord, patient and kind (which I had certainly not been feeling lately). So I sighed, and promised to offer up the rest of that cruddy day. Well, whether the rest of the day really went well or not, that prayer was a good reminder that there is a reason God isn't asking us to be martyrs or missionaries yet - we have to get past the elementary stuff first:)


  1. Sorry you had a bad start to the week. Hoped it improved as you went along and that everyone is feeling better. Praying for you all

  2. Thanks:) It's ok, you know things get like that sometimes. I'm glad to report things improved nicely soon after that :) thanks for the prayers
