Thursday, January 12, 2012

Teaching makes me queasy

Today was the first day back to co-op, as well as the first day back to teaching Road to Chorus. The last few weeks I've been thinking, brainstorming, scribbling notes and scribbling them out, searching out songs, and trying to get organized despite the butterflies that seem to live in my stomach and wake up whenever I'm thinking about or doing something for the class. Yesterday mom printed out almost 200 copies of music sheet exercises for me, I got my song list settled, and was ready to go. Except, of course, that 30 min before my first class started I lost my appetite and was grateful not to lose my lunch.
Things went relatively well. PROS -When I walked into the classroom, I was greeting with big smiles and large hugs by two 6-year-old boys. That was a wonderful way to start. Despite some over excitedness and a little bit of ADHD moments from the little ones, they were happy to be there, learn the songs, and hang out with me and the class. THINGS TO IMPROVE - have more short fun activities to keep up with the kids' ever shortening attention span.
The older kids class was a little less nerve-racking because I had gotten a chance to warm up. After warmups, and going over the class schedule and songs, we did some intonation exercises and sang the beginnings of some songs, including the latin Dona Nobis Pacem and the challenging but upbeat Irish song Rocky Road to Dublin, complete with seven verses, thank you very much. I complete challenge. But I know the nervousness, stress, hours of singing, and brainstorming in the middle of the night, will pay off in a big way when the kids walk out on stage and sing to their hearts content.
This will be quite a year. I can't wait:)


  1. Oh Rose, silly are a WONDERFUL teacher..WAY more organized than I was, and the kids are learning so much! You tried a 7verse song on the first day of class after break? Who are you, Wonderwoman? ;)

    And, as for stress, try teaching two classes on 2 hours of sleep and with no plans whatsoever. Talk about nerve wracking! haha

    I think it's funny how our strengths and weaknesses are completely the opposite though. I LOVED the younger class and they never made me nervous, but the older class had the power to shake in my boots (complete with fur pom poms and all!). I guess it's because I could command the attention of the little kids simply by changing the tone of my voice, while the big kids took a lot more preparation (which I rarely did) and confidence. :)

    You'll get back into the swing of things. Don't doubt yourself! :) <3 you!

  2. Wow, Rose, I had no idea you were THAT nervous! If you ever need to talk, you know where I am. :) You are doing a great job, though; your kids sounded GREAT at their first performance! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

  3. Thanks guys:) Haha no, I just taught them the refrain of that song:) We will slowly be learning the verses:)
    Haha I know I have no reason to be stressed comparitively:)
    It is funny how we work differently with the classes though. If you (or anyone else) could give me some tips for keeping the little ones attention, that would be great! I need to have more 5 min things that we do that are different, fast, and fun because they have like no attention spans:) Maybe I'll practice changing my tone of voice at home....
    Thanks guys! Prayers appreciated:) I hope you can hear them all sing at the end of the year:) <3 you guys too:)
